Reasons to back up your mobile devices

Companies such as Apple, Samsung, and others have turned mobile phones into mini-computers that can serve as a substitute for your laptop, or as a storage device. If you’re using a smartphone as a communications and storage device, backing up now would be a wise move. Malware on mobile More than two-thirds of the world’s […]

Should I choose virtualization or the cloud?

Have you heard about cloud computing and virtualization technologies but don’t know the difference? Or maybe you’ve heard a fellow business owner talk about why one is better than the other? Here are the differences between the two and the things you must know to determine which solution is best for your business. Differences between […]

How to protect your Office 365 data

Office 365 is a complete cloud solution that allows you to store thousands of files and collaborate on them, too. In addition to its productivity features, the service comes with security and compliance solutions that will help businesses avoid the crushing financial and legal repercussions of data loss. However, even with its comprehensive security tools, […]

The lowdown on cloud security

If you’re thinking of transitioning your business to the cloud, consider the security of the platform. While providers would like us to believe that the friendly, fluffy cloud image used to market the service means it is automatically secure, the reality is far different. Just ask one of the nearly seven million Dropbox users who […]

Outdated firmware: An overlooked threat

If most of your company’s computers are obsolete, they double or even triple your chances of experiencing a data breach. This emphasizes how dangerous it is to have outdated applications, operating systems, and even web browsers. Failing to update your firmware could expose your business to major security threats. What is firmware? Firmware is a […]

3 ways to browse the net safely at work

Amidst the current climate of malware, hacks, and phishing scams, the internet really isn’t safe for any company that doesn’t take precautions. Without safeguards, browsers that you or your employees use are vulnerable to cyber attacks that may cripple productivity and profit. There are wise steps that every company should take to browse the net […]

The benefits of technology business reviews

Small- and medium-sized businesses don’t have the time to maintain IT infrastructure, let alone assess whether it’s still driving value for the company. However, if you want to ensure everything runs smoothly, it’s important to be proactive and conduct technology business reviews when you can. What is a technology business review? A technology business review […]

Container facts you’re misunderstanding

Virtualization and container technologies are confusing topics in their own right, and comparing and contrasting them is even harder. To understand the differences between container and virtualization technologies, it’s best to clear up some commonly misunderstood information on how they work. Containers are made up of the bare minimum hardware and software requirements to allow […]

Office 365 beefs up anti-phishing measures

There are plenty of things to love about Office 365. For a small monthly fee, it gives you the latest cloud-based version of Microsoft Office apps and robust communication tools that improve collaboration and productivity. But it’s also an extremely secure platform that can defend against the most cunning phishing attacks. Effective anti-phishing solutions must […]